Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Halo 3 - First Impressions

So, we just got Halo 3. It came with some goodies too; t-shirt, hat, $10.00 discount for preordering, and a free copy of the new Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (which looks kinda weak). First online game was won with 25 kills. Some new things to look forward to: Slighlty different controls (pretty minor though), new levels, new soundtrack, crazy good graphics, new weapons and vehicles. Also, a new story in campaign mode. It's pretty amazing, and it looks like school is going to take a few more semesters than anticipated. Post your own reviews in the comments of this post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my first impression was the change in graphics on the multi-player. the lines tracing the characters are much sharper but i dislike having to hold the Rbumper to pick up or reload guns. it just doesnt feel right. the X button is now used for some sort of tertiary weapon like rejuvination or anti gravity pods. these weapons would have been better suited for the bumper buttons